
Let’s Connect: Eve Lovestar on Social Media


I’m Eve, and I’m a poet and artist. I share my writings and art all over the internet. Today I want to link up to my different artistic outlets. Let’s connect!

If you would like to talk to me, do so through my poetry collection. Link below

Time capsule: Exerpt from a longer poem I wrote for a Valentine’s card I created for a friend to dedicate to his wife

Divine Love Union Journal blog:

I love to blog about Love, connection, and union on my Divine Love Union Journal blog. This blog is my public journal. I journal about my love life and my journey through Union. I share my poetry, love letters, and love advice.


On this blog, I explained how I connected with my beloved, I call him Scorpio, and I share personal stories as well as tips and tricks. I blog about Divine Love, gifted to us by heaven, and I talk about the effects of spirituality, astrology, and psychology in our live lives.

Half good: just like many other great pieces, this one was born out of a conversation with my beloved Scorpio
On this post, I give you the formula I’ve discovered, which led to my deep connection with my lover, Scorpio
In this post, I teach you how to manifest a new love or deepen your connection with poetry and romance. It worked for me!
Poetries in the wind speaks of my personal creative process
On this post, I beat AI at love letter writing. On an upcoming post, I beat AI at poetry writing. My job is safe so far… šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚

My poetry collection

I have separated my collection into galleries by topics such as the Love poetry, the


Sex with Scorpio blog

I asked him, and he replied like this

I decided to remove the sex journaling from my Divine Love Union Journal blog. I added my Sex with Scorpio Journal to my poetry galleries, which I call my poetry collection. In other words, the blog and the poetry collection are part of the same site. You must download the app to follow. This makes this spot much more private. Linked below are my favorite posts:

The sex poetry. Scorpio inspired:


Scorpio manifested me. What he asked the universe shocked me:


Dress for success = Wear lingerie


My Sex with Scorpio blog posts are meant to educate and inspire. My writing style is serious and polished. On this blog, I journal about my lovemaking with my beloved Scorpio and offer many tips to the reader to elevate their sex life into lovemaking and beyond.

Scorpio said I was so serious, so I did what I do best: I wrote a poem about it.

Twin Flames

Foods: Inspirational poems

Social Media

X (Twitter): @evelovestar


Instagram: Eve_Lovestar

Pinterest: Eve Lovestar


Telegram: Twin Flame Lovestars

Tumblr: where I share everything:

Tumblr: Sex with Scorpio – Divine Love
Labyrinth of Love: How many walls to his heart? No worries, they’ve fallen by now.

Homeschool Plan: Learning Latin to inspire my children to learn Spanish/ languages

Dear reader,

First of all, this is absolutely not 100 percent of my homeschooling log. Additionally, my babies have awesome tutors, and I supplement their learning.

Spanish is my first language. But I speak mostly English now. Dad speaks only English.

Our children were not interested in learning Spanish, so I didn’t force them.

Now, they’re more open since spending time with my mom and making friends who only speak Spanish that they could not understand.

My plan to practice amazing calligraphy to inspire my babies to do better (more legible and beautiful) handwriting worked, and I have pictures of their new improved handwriting to prove it. The progress happened within a week of my practice.

I decided to use the same exact tactic to inspire my kids to learn a language. Hopefully, they’ll learn Spanish, but I’m flexible and will let them choose their own language to learn.

I started learning Latin one month ago to show my studying and learning to my kids. My second daughter already practiced with me, though she thought it was boring.

I have had an interest in learning a third language for a long, long, long while, and my favorite sounding new language is Portuguese. Portuguese shares the root of Spanish, and that makes it easier for me to understand. I’m constantly trying to read Portuguese texts. (Note to self: follow Portuguese poets on Twitter)

I actually want to learn Hindi, though, because I love India, and this is a bit crazy but I want to retire in India, and I feel I have a deep connection to India and its culture. Hindi is extremely hard to learn: it has an entirely different script, so our Latin/ Greek influence will not help me there.

I did a tiny bit of Hindi and Sanskrit study just for the awareness. If I retire in India, I’ll need to know some Hindi, I’ll consider the study in the future, and I think it would be a lifelong study of that language. Their script is lovely, and my interest, of course, is to read their divine ancient texts before translation: it would be an insane amount of learning as I learned the original Sanskrit has an even older script! Learning two totally new scripts would be such a burden.

Either way. I downloaded the Duolingo app and went searching to start learning Hindi, but it wasn’t on the app, and I didn’t want to learn any of the languages available (because I’m interested in ancient texts)

But Latin was an option! I never had an interest in learning Latin. I know Spanish was developed from Latin and assumed it might be easier because of my fluent Spanish. However, I don’t like the Romans. And I don’t really care to read the Roman texts.

Latin was used to translate hieroglyphs, which I adore, and I understand there are uses. It might be the most used ancient language (that’s a total assumption). Anyway, I chose it because I’m doing this just for fun.

As soon as I chose Latin, I was happy it wasn’t Hindi! I might have abandoned Hindi studies by today because I like easy and fast progress and finding what I’m naturally good at.

I’m naturally good at learning Latin and by today, I know some vocabulary, history of the language, simple sentences, some grammar, I understand the Latin root of some English words, and got a bit comfortable in the learning process. I’m progressing fast, and I loved it. I’m really excited about it. I started learning yesterday!

My second daughter practiced a bit with me when she saw me! It was a huge success! I showed her and her older sister the Duolingo app and suggested they download it as it’s fun and perfect for children! My oldest daughter asked what vocabulary I’d learned, too.

I intend to watch Spanish videos with them and practice Spanish on Duolingo to impress them and pull them towards language learning.

Language learning is super fun, and I’m already looking for Latin poetry!

Linguistic study in Latin, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Not about to study French any time soon.
Latin to English/ Spanish sentence translation and vocabulary
Simple Latin sentences translated to Spanish and English
Latin – English – Spanish vocabulary


The Romance Level Quiz: The second type of romantic is a secret romantic. Here is why

Visit my Divine Love blog through the link, and take my quiz to figure out your own romance level and compare it to your partner.

I am creating an article about compatibility between the different levels.

Dear Lovestar, Developing tools especific to each romantic level is very helpful to me, and i intend to make it helpful for you. I bring to you insights into the second type of romantic, which I already started to call the Secret Romantic. I believe my Scorpio beloved fits in this category. The official name [ā€¦]

The second type of romantic is a secret romantic. Here is why

Homeschool Log

Dear reader,

Since I have 5 children being educated at home (2 are toddlers) and I need constant motivation, on Monday and sometimes Tuesdays, I listen to homeschooling or home education podcasts, YouTube videos, or Ted talk of educators. This helps me get in the mood for learning.

We start the week off easy for the children. Right now, my 3 oldest have classes with tutors on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

How her home schooling changed her life.

Oh, and the one thing I do not agree with this creator is where she didn’t criticize school. Not that she’s wrong. Her experience is her experience!

But, I do openly criticize school.

Always learning,


Homeschooling log: 4/14/24

The Geometry of a Heart – Symmetry

Grid Art.

What we learned is that the “perfect heart” is a symmetrical heart, and we practiced drawing symmetrical hearts.

But, we also love asymmetrical hearts.

Poetry Journal: The calligraphy

Dear Lovestar, I have been complaining about my calligraphy on this blog, which is unlikely. Not because my calligraphy is excellent but because I understand that being a beginner is the learning and growth phase. Today, I want to show you my progression in the art of calligraphy. Calligraphy Tips: I got books to learn [ā€¦]

Poetry Journal: The calligraphy

Home education. Our story and inspiring my children to be lifelong learners.

Dear reader,

Ever since my first child, now 11, was a baby, I have been interested in homeschooling. By now, I have 3 daughters being educated at home. Today, I don’t want to call it homeschooling anymore because what we do is not school. It is definitely education but not school.

Home as the first school

It is a fact that the most important school is the home, whether or not we were homeschooled. I was a hungry learner who was extremely involved in exceeding expectations and big achievements, but this is something my father taught me, and he was a teacher but not my teacher. He also inspired my love for poetry and literature, and today, I’m a poet and writer.Ā 

Similarly, when children are not doing well in school, it might be that they’re not doing good at home. Home is the first school, and parent figures our first teachers.

My introduction to homeschooling

Continue reading “Home education. Our story and inspiring my children to be lifelong learners.”

The Love quiz, a tool to help gauge your romantic love for first love

Dear Lovestar, Thank you so very much for visiting me. You grace this humble blog with your presence. Today, Iā€™m doing something completely different, though still rooted in love and romance. Today, I will help any readers gauge their love. Are you in love truly? I intend to make this quiz a helpful tool for [ā€¦]

The Love quiz, a tool to help gauge your romantic love for first love

New Poetry and the wisdom at Divine Love Union Journal

Dear reader,

To read and download my poetry, follow my poetry collection through this link:

I have been blogging about very interesting topics on my Divine Love Union Journal blog, and for those posts, I have written these unique pieces of art. I pray you will enjoy them, and I’d be honored if these were inspiring. I will link my new coolest blog posts below.

Recent article series from my Divine Love Union Journal blog
Recent article series on my Divine Love Union Journal blog
On this post, I beat AI at poetry writing. AI’s poem was good, but my poem was awesome šŸ‘Œ
On this post, I tea h you a trick to manifest love with romantic poetry. It’s good!
Talked about celebrating Valentine’s, creating a personalized card and poem, shared a poem, talked about what I learned from a 25-year marriage, etc.